Learning to play the #
organ has been on my wish list for years, but my house isn't big enough for a real pipe organ. Neither is my bank account, btw. But in the 21st century there are other ways to build an organ. Apparently, all you need is a few #
MIDI keyboards, a pedal board, a device to combine those instruments, and some software on your PC to translate those signals into sound.
Two of these keyboards, combined with a device like this
Virtual Organ Console Unit, should get me started:
1 - Virtual Organ Console Unit - Demonstration of functions
The video demonstrates the real use case of the Virtual Organ Console Unit.
More information: https://www.oandv-systems.com
The software you need to convert everything into a real organ sound is, like all good things in life, free:
GrandOrgue seems to do exactly what I would like.
I'll visit
Bax Shop tomorrow, and see what's available these days.