Long post about Cities:Skylines II with many pictures from inside the simulator. My city is growing nicely, everything looks really good, great details. But there are some funny glitches, like flying cars.
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My city is growing nicely, over 80K now. I've taken the time to walk/drive/fly through it and look how everything's coming along. I've erected the enormous Observation Tower, and it looks glorious:

Zooming in till we're standing at the base of it, looking at the entrance from the street:

The shadows along the roof are a little ragged, but nothing's perfect. And then you can actually go into the building, up to a certain level, and look back at where you just took the previous photo:

Bit weird that all the lights should be on at broad daylight, but who cares. We do actually generate much more electricity than we use, so why not.
The detail in CS2 is so much better than in CS1. Take this one: standing at the base of the Observation Tower, we gaze up at the sheer hight of this monster. And we see birds!

Flying cars
But of course I also saw some funny glitches on my tour. Take flying cars.
These taxis don't merge into other traffic, they float into it:

Flying cars is something I see every now and then. Or cars wading through the tarmac, sometimes up to their roofs.
It can save a lot of parking space if you can just park your car somewhere in the air. And this modern Automated Parking Building offers that option: once you're high enough, you drive your car over the edge and park it there:

I think I know what may have triggered this one: I moved the building. I had to shuffle things around a bit when I expanded that main road. It needed more lanes, which requires more space, and the parking building was in the way. After that, I put it back where it had been, only one tile further because of the wider road. It may be this tile of difference that renders these cars in the wrong position.
Looks funny:

I think that'll do for now, I'll leave you people at peace. Next stop: 100K.
CitiesSkylines2 #
simulator #
glitch #