I've heard non-Dutch people say that they don't know who
Thierry Baudet is. Let me enlighten you.
He's the leader of
Forum for Democracy, a far right political party that oozes
racism, antisemitism and conspiracy theories. He's an MP, unfortunately, but has been suspended for a week for breaking parliamentary rules, a first in Dutch parliamentary history.
We've know for some time that he's deep in Putin's, but in true Kremlin style, he has mostly denied that. But no more. Hear him drop his mask and profess his adoration for Putin, like the treasonist he is:
dr. Marina (@mmeeuw)
New outrageous interview with Kremlin controlled Dutch politician @thierrybaudet "We are governed by evil reptiles. The only one that can save us is dark knight Vladimir Putin. #Putin must win and we must do whatever we can to support him" #Baudet #Russia #Kompromat #Ukraine