I just found out that Dovecot 2.4 is a crippled version of Dovecot 2.3: no more clustering support, the director function has been removed. If you want to do clustering now, you'll have to buy a Pro license.
https://doc.dovecot.org/2.4.0/installation/upgrade/2.3-to-2.4.html#removed-featuresSo, although I've used Dovecot for years, both private and for work, it seems like this is the end of the line for me.
At the same time I see what @
Stalwart Labs can do. Yes, clustering, for one. And a whole lot more, including bayesian classification, analysis of DMARC reports and even a reputation database.
I'm really impressed by what it can do. Bit hesitant about the fact that it's still only version 0.11.5 though, smells alpha...
Looks like Stalwart is the future for me.
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